Chorus: Greater is He that is in me, Greater is He that is in me Greater is He that is in me, than he that's in the world. Satan's like a roaring lion Roaming to' and fro' Seeking whom he may devour The Bible tells me so. Many souls have been his prey To fall in some weak hour God has promised us today His Overcoming Power On the day of Pentecost A rushing mighty wind Blew into the upper room And baptised all of them with a Power greater than any earthly foe I'm so glad I've got it too I'm gonna let the whole world knowBless the Lord oh my soul Yau Ranar Murna Ce REVIVE THY WORK, O LORD! Gesù No os detengáis ṭfl fy ạlmdẖwd ạlfḍl lyk La croix reste debout Благодатный свет обильно Voglio te
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