Once I was talking to myself like a mad man Trying to find a way out of here Can you hear me; yes its you Im calling Life me up take me out Im desperate I cannot breath It is life that I am calling are you deaf Or do you have some ears to listen To me crying, I need you can you hear. Crying out loud as much as I can From the bottom of my sorrows Please I beg you help me God if you exist, help me You if you are there I beg you help me For I am lost and there is no way out I am out of breath and suffocating Fear is all I can breathe I beg you please help me You are my only hope I surrender Once I was talking to my self like a mad man Calling someone I could not see Asking him to help me And he heard me, oh yes he heard me, Yes Jesus heard meMajesté Ана, һəјатымда ҝөзəл хатирə Podnieśmy ręce w świętej czci NI SARIH CHUNG HIM TEIN Ийи Чобан Севийор GOD BRING THEM TOGETHER ṭwby̱ llsạʿyn Voir mon Sauveur Vul die huis met U Glorie Bože náš, požehnaj
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