Everybody needs a little help sometimes, no one stands alone. Makes no different if you'r just a chime like me, or a king upon a throne. For there are no exceptions, we all stand in the line. Everybody needs a friend, let me tell you of mine. CHORUS He's my forever friend, my leave me never friend. From darkest night, to rainbows end. He's my forever friend. Even when I turn away, He cares for me. His love no one can change. Even as I walk away, He's by my side, with every bred I take. And sometimes I forget Him, my halo fails to shine. And sometimes I'm not His friend, but He's allways mine. If you still don't know the one, I'm talking of. I think it's time you do. Long ago and far away, my Jesus died for you. And if you'd like to meet Him, and don't know what to do. Ask my friend into your heart and He'll be your friend too.THE STORY OF CALVARY Дерин Бир Севинч, Севинч, Севинч, Севинч Табиғатыңмен, махаббатыңмен Io camminerò Victory ạnt sạʿdtny Veď ma, svätý Hospodine Свят и чист простор небес Len dvihni brat môj Дух Святой Дух благодати к нам приди в любви святой
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