Holy God, generations know Your promises, Your covenant of love. Lord of all, every promise made You remain faithful to fulfil. For Your ways are holy, And Your name is worthy, All honour and glory belongs to You. For You are faithful, mighty, glorious, Awesome and victorious, Beautiful and wonderful, O Lord. Now our hearts are resolute, Our confidence is all in You, Everything is possible, O Lord, my God. When trouble's hard, when life overwhelms, You are Lord, You are in control. I trust in You for in my darkest day, You remain worthy of my praise. For Your ways are higher, And Your arm is stronger, And Your rest is sweeter than any other.nqdm lyk kl ạlsjwd Viaţa cu Hristos mi-a dat tot ce-i mai frumos Как порочен и грешен я в жизни моей أيها الرب إله القوات Obeta srdca يا سيدى الغالي إله كل نعمة День Господен наступает J'ai tout quitté pour te suivre Sunan Wani Yaro Fa, Daniel Ke Nan
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