I may never march in the Infantry, (march) Ride in the cavalry, (pretend you're riding a horse) Shoot the artillery. (clap hands together) I may never zoom o'er the enemy, (spread arms out and pretend to be a plane) But I'm in the Lord's Army. (point one finger up to God) I'm in the Lord's Army, (yes, sir!) (salute) I'm in the Lord's Army, (yes, sir!) I may never march in the Infantry, Ride in the cavalry, Shoot the artillery. I may never zoom o'er the enemy, But I'm in the Lord's Army, (yes, sir!)Sia lode a Te Alleluja - w Bogu nadzieje mam Свобода Царствует Танръ Айше'йи Гюзел Яраттъ عندي قوة في قلبي جوه Le Tout-Puissant est mon Berger Dedicato a te Muqeddes olmaq Ti benedirò مشاعر الرب
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