All that I am, all that I have I lay them down before You, O Lord All my regrets, all my acclaim the joy and the pain I'm making them Yours Chorus Lord, I offer my life to You Everything I've been through Use it for Your glory Lord, I offer my days to You Lifting my praise to You As a pleasing sacrifice Lord, I offer You my life Verse2 Things in the past, things yet unseen Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true All of my hopes, all of my plans My heart and my hand are lifted to You Bridge What can we give that You have not given And what do we have that is not already Yours All we possess are these lives we're living And that's what we give to YouPrzejdziemy nawet ocean Мы собрались здесь Osy kún, jaratyldy ЩЕ ТЕ ХВАЛЯ ОТ ВСЕ СЪРЦЕ Ҳаётим Сенда - Раб! Oheň mn ʿtm ạlạ̉yạm Льются нежные мотивы Здесь с Христом страдай с терпеньем ạlsẖk kẖny
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