Chorus: I awaited For the Lord on High I awaited, And He heard my cry. (repeat) Verse 1: He pulled me out of my despair And showed me where to walk: From fear into security From quicksand into rock. Verse 2: I sing to let the people know That I have been restored. So they will kneel and understand To return and trust in the Lord.Meniń Uly Ustazym O NOSSO GENERAL É CRISTO hnạk ạ̉ml Люблю Тебя мой дивный Бог tạ̉ml 5 Himak onnahinli hoka Duchu Svätý príď k nám أهديك كل قلبي ฉันต้องการสรรเสริญพระองค์ I Just Want to Praise the Lord NY FIVORIANAY
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