I want to praise You Lord Much more than I do I want to praise You lord Much more than I do Learn to seek Your face And the knowledge of Your grace I want to praise You Birds in the sky sing their songs to You Trees in the fields lift their arms to You I want to sing I want to lift my arms to You I want to love You Lord Much more than I do I want to love You lord Much more than I do Learn to seek Your face And the knowledge of Your grace I want to love You Birds in the sky sing their songs to You Trees in the fields lift their arms to You I want to sing I want to lift my arms to You I want to serve You lord....باحبك عشان جروح الصليب Вер, Аллахъм, иман, дурайъм йълларънджа Гьоклерин капъсънъ ач Cerca más cerca oh Dios de ti ạ̉kẖṭyt wrạjʿ Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior يسوع يا طفل بيت لحم Царь царей Худони Синама Tvojím chcem byť, drahý Pane
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