♩= 71 VERSE: 1 All I have because of Jesus All this promise won for me When He paid the highest ransom Once for always for my freedom CHORUS: I will boast in Christ alone His righteousness and not my own I will cling to Christ my hope His mercy reigns now and forever VERSE: 2 Love will never lose its power All my failures could not erase Now I walk within Your favour Grace unending, my salvation Repeat CHORUS: BRIDGE: What can wash away my sin Nothing but the blood of Jesus What can make me whole again Nothing but the blood of Jesus Repeat BRIDGE: Repeat CHORUS: Repeat BRIDGE: REFRAIN: O precious is the flow That makes me white as snow No other fount I know Nothing but the blood of Jesus Nothing but the blood of Jesusكل آه واجعاك Je veux chanter au Seigneur K Tvojmu krížu prichádzam గాఢాంధకారములో నేను తిరిగినను Без Тебя я теряю покой dạwd Тәңір Ием арамызда Nech je uvoľnená Բեր Անձրև Ey Tanrım, Gökler Üstüne Yüksel!
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