I will lift my voice to the Lord, I will cry, I will cry I will lift my voice to the Lord, I will cry, I will cry I will lift my voice to the Lord, I will plead, I will plead I will lift my voice to the Lord, I will plead I will pour out, pour out Pour out my complaint before him I will pour out, pour out Pour out my complaint before him I will lift my voice to the Lord, I will cry, I will cry I will lift my voice to the Lord, I will cry, I will cry I will lift my voice to the Lord, I will plead, I will plead I will lift my voice to the Lord, I will plead I will pour out, pour out Pour out my complaint before him I will pour out, pour out Pour out my complaint before him (INTERLUDE) I will tell of my woes before him I will tell of my woes before him I will tell of my woes before him I will tell of my woes before him Praise, o my soul, Praise the Lord Praise, o my soul, Praise the Lord Praise, o my soul, Praise the Lord Praise, o my soul, Praise the LordLook, ye saints, the sight is glorious / Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah Figlio mio Раб'бин Зафери Тэнгэрийн од كەنەلت رۋحىڭا พระเยซูเป็นคำตอบ Когда среди толпы людей Сага сүйлөгөн Кудайдан Dove sei tu Dio è con noi
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