Many men will drink the rain And turn to thank the clouds. Many men will hear You speak; They will never turn around. But I will not forget You Are my God, my King. With a thankful heart I Bring my offering. And my sacrifice is Not what You can give But what I alone can Give to You. A grateful heart I give, A thankful prayer I pray, A wild dance I dance before You. A loud song I sing, A huge bell I ring, A life of praise I live before You. Many men will pour their gold And serve a thing that shines. Many men will read Your words; They will never change their minds.ạlsẖk kẖny تىزە بۉگۉپ ساعا كەلەم Как и в прошлые года лил на землю дождь Керексің тек Сен Slavte, slavte Эгамиздан Қўрқан Аёл يارب أنا بجيلك Tys za nás šel Když Vím Мені кім жаратты?
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