I will sing unto the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised. I will sing unto the Lord, and bless His holy name. I will sing unto the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised. I will sing unto the Lord, and bless His holy name. You are holy, you are righteous, You are magnificent, You are victorious, You are mighty, You are omnipotent. There is none that can compare, I've come to bless His name. Bless His Name, Bless His Name, Let everybody come and Bless His NameСинее небо чайки над морем Higher ground shén de yáng qún hái píng ān ma Буду славить Тебя я, Боже мой KANNIH VAWLEI SERTU La sua dolce man shén a nǐ zhēn shì tīng dǎo gào de shén Astazi cant voios Би харанхуйд байсан Тангүйгээр Krzyż Pański mocno trwa
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