There's a country far beyond the starry sky. There's a city where there never comes a night; If we're faithful we shall go there by and by, It's the city where the Lamb is the light. CHORUS In that city where the Lamb is the light, The city where there cometh no night; l've a mansion over there, and when free from toil and care, I am going where the Lamb is the light. Here we have our days of sunshine, but we know That the sun which shines upon us now so bright Will be changed to clouds and rain until we go To the city where the Lamb is the light. There the flowers bloom forever and the da ShalI' be one eternal day without a night; And our tears shall be forever wiped away, ln that city where the Lamb is the light. Here we have our disappointments all the while, And our fondest hopes but meet with bitter blight; Though by night we weep, the morning brings a smile, In that city where the Lamb is the light. Then let sunlight fade, let twilight bring its gloom, Not a shadow can my blissful soul affright; For I now that up in heaven there is room, In that city where the Lamb is the light.ạftḥ qlby ạlqạsy JESUH TUM THAN TIANG KAN TUAN LAI fyn ạlslạm ВЪЗВЪРНИ МЕ Nu pe braţul meu mă bizui Voici de tes enfants Vater im Himmel 如今我把你们交托神 W służę Swą woła Pan ạsmh ạ̉ḥly̱ ạlạ̉smạʾ
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