Lamp unto my feet Light unto my path It is You, Jesus It is You This treasure that I hold More than finest gold It is You, Jesus It is You With all my heart With all my soul I live to worship You And praise forevermore Praise forevermore Lord, everyday I need You more On wings of Heaven, I will soar With You You take my brokenness And call me to yourself There You stand Heal me in Your handӘрдайым қуанып жүріңдер шаттанып T'lah Turu Ke Dunia Este es el Día ما اقدرش أوصف حبه Магтацгаая Их Эзэний зарц нараа Ата Mon premier amour myn gẖyrk byḥn ʿly A te Gesù mn qlby bạgẖny
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