1 verse: Let the earth rejoice See the risen king On the clouds of praise He's exalted forever 2 verse: We will rise to him Son of righteousness And the earth will shake With the glory of heaven Chorus: See the heavens open wide And his glory like a flood Fills the earth with salvation See the nations take his hand And in righteousness they stand This is Je - sus' generation 2 verse: repeat We will rise to him Son of righteousness And the earth will shake With the glory of heaven Bridge: Glo - ry glo - ry glo - ry Emanuel, God is with usConsuma il cuore mio Luce nell'oscurità Вечный завет Nu ma lăsa să fiu pierdut ạ̹nmạ llh Andate in tutto il mondo Данс ет бенимле 不是依靠势力 Nu este munte pre-nalt Гој бүтүн инсанлар севинсинлəр бизимлə бирҝə
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