Jesus, Lover of my soul, Jesus, I will never let You go. You've taken me from the miry clay, Set my feet upon a rock and now I know: I love You, I need You, Though my world may fall I'll never let You go. My Savior, my closest Friend, I will worship You until the very end. I will worship you until the very end.Sing Hallelujah to the Lord Sana Geliyorum Oggi scelgo te Viens à Jésus, il t'appelle wbfrḍ ạ̹nhạ ạ̉yạm ṣʿbẗ Ликуют небеса ликует вся земля Annak, ki a trónon ül zhǔ shì pú táo shù Berbahagialah Orang Miskin Калбимде Бир Езги Чънлъйор
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