Just as I am without one plea But that thy blood was shed for me And that thou bid me come to thee O Lamb of God I come I come Just as I am and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot To thee whose blood can cleanse each spot O Lamb of God I come I come O Lamb of God I come I come O Lamb of God I come I come O Lamb of God I come I come I come I come Just as I am thou will receive To welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve Because thy promise I believe O Lamb of God I come I come Lamb of God I come I come I come150.Мезмур Тишина Алкыштайм Сени түбөлүк өмүр бердиң ʿạlm ṣʿb Mój Pan żyje He! Sarotra ny lalam-pamonjena Если вы устали Меня манят к себе небеса Jericho فلنفرح به
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