Just beyond the Veil I long to see Your face Just to see Your beauty there just beyond the Veil Beautiful You are Beautiful You are Beautiful You are, You are. Beautiful You are You're the prince of peace, You're the prince of peace, You're the prince of peace, You are. You're the prince of peace. Marvellous You are Marvellous You are Marvellous You are, You are Marvellous You are稍微不儆醒 ماتفكرش كتير ده يسوع О, как Бог любит нас! Когда нибудь перед тобой Степ широкий розстелився تعليق 4 - كثيرة أمانتك Egamizdan Qoʻrqan Ayol On za nasze cierpiał winy Голоса души звучите Nič nie je predurčené
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