Let praises rise from the inside From the inside of me May You delight in the inside In the inside of me Come fill my life from the inside From the inside of me Set me on fire from the inside From the inside of me 'Cause all I want Is for You For You to be glorified For You to be lifted high All I want Is for You For You to be glorified For You to be lifted high Fill my life 'til all they see is You Lord Glorify Your name Fill my heart 'til all they see is You Lord Glorify Your name (repeat)شكراً .. شكراً يا رب В час утренний душа моя возносит гимн к Христу qrbny lyk tʿlyq 1 - sẖqạwẗ fy̱ ạlmʿml Кто сравнится с Тобой Осанна поют небеса Эта песня хвалы словно птица парит в небеса La tua presenza sẖwq qlby rby Я слышал в келии простой
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