Let's talk about Jesus, The King of Kings is He, The Lord of lords supreme, Through all eternity. The Great I AM, the Way, The Truth, the Life the Door, Let's talk about Jesus more and more. Let's talk about Jesus, Let all the world proclaim. The pow'r and majesty Of such a wondrous Name. The Babe of Bethlehem, The Bright and Morning Star, Let's sing His praises near and far. Let's talk about Jesus, The Bread of Life is He, The Saviour of the world, The Man of Galilee. The Prophet, Priest and King, The Mighty God is He, The well of Living Water free. Let's talk about Jesus, The Prince of Peace is He, The Great Physician too, Down through all history. The Lily pure and white, The Rose of Sharon fair, The Shepherd of such tender care. Let's talk about Jesus, The Rock of Ages He, The Lamb for sinners slain, That Man of Calvary. The Great Emmanuel, The word of God sublime, He is our Bridegroom so divine.Они собираются все домой Асмандагы Атабыз, Сенин ысмың ыйык Oh deja que el Señor se mueva Аллаһ сəни јарадан, сəн ач Она өз үрəјини Anos Mi Alma En Vanidad Vivio Caro amico mio Rombongan Hewan Mencari Bayi Бог с тобой доколе свидимся kẖdẖny bqrb qlbk Die Liebe des Retters
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