VERSE 1: You put Your love on the line To bear the weight of sin that was mine Washing my rivers of wrongs Into the sea of Your infinite love CHORUS: With arms held high Lord I give my life Knowing I'm found in Christ In Your love forever With all I am In Your grace I stand The greatest of all romance Love of God my Saviour INSTRUMENTAL: VERSE 2: Mercy roars like hurricane winds Furious love laid waste to my sin BRIDGE: To the One who has rescued my soul To the One who has welcomed me home To the One who is Saviour of all I sing foreverБоже, пред Теб покланям се Начальник жизни Пастырь мой Любовь не промолчит Вёрсты قۇتقاردىڭ بار ادامزاتتى كۇنادان Tutti per uno Grazie مرة قعدت وكنت خايف Иманла Яшаяджаъм nuó yà fàng fēi yī zhǐ gē zi
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