Clap your hands all ye people Shout to God with a voice of triumph Clap your hands all ye people Sing for joy to the Lord // Singing halleluiah Halleluiah // Jesus Christ is the Lord of all Lord of all the earth Jesus Christ is the Lord of all Lord of all the earth Only one God Over the nations Only one Lord of all In no other name Is there salvation Jesus is Lord of allUž do svätyne máme vchod Ha detto il Signor ạ̉nt yạ ạbn ạllh rbnạ Jezus najwyższej godzien chwały Гюнахлъйъм, Аллахъм mn ạ̉nạ ạ̹lhy De concert avec les anges Mijere ry ray sy reny! Mare eşti Doamne, mare-i puterea Ta Plačte, ó anjelia
Medley: Clap your hands, all ye people
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