More than oxygen, I need your love; More than life giving food the hungry dream of. More than an eloquent word depends on the tongue; More than a passionate song needs to be sung. More than a word could ever say More than a song could ever convey; I need You more than all of these things. Father I need You more. More than magnet and steel are drawn to unite. More than poets love words to rhyme as they write. More than comforting warmth of sun in spring. More than the eagle loves wind under its wings. More than a blazing fire on a winter's night, More than the tall evergreens reach for the light. More than the pounding waves long for the shore; More than these gifts you give, I love you more.Ztiš srdce mé Kto wiary spojrzenie skieruje na krzyż Aksada göz yaşım Alle Welt sei erfüllt 不管你身邊的光景是多麼慘淡 Čuj, kto meno Krista nosíš Ya Allah, Muka Shuka Iri A Gonarmu يوم عظيم Ježiš, si svätý تعليق 4
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