My sheep know My voice, And the path that I take, They follow wherever I go; My sheep know My voice And come at My call, But a stranger's voice do they not know. CHORUS My sheep know My voice, And day by day, They abide in the fold, And go not astray; They love Me because I have made them My choice, And they follow My call, For My sheep know My voice. My sheep know My voice, And the pastures of green, Where I lead them so often to feed; My sheep know My voice, And the cool sparkling stream, Where beside its still waters I lead. My sheep know My voice, And the valley of death, Thru which I shall lead them some day; But no danger nor harm Can touch one of them, For I will be with them always.حبيتني وأنا خاطي ạlqrạr qrạry Otamiz Xudo /14 Ó Pane, zošli svetlo a pravdu qf yạ jndy jạnb ạlṣlyb Аз знам, че ще видя Христа ربي يسوع الغالي Есть узлы которых не развяжешь ماذا يصنع لكرمي Rabbe ezgiler söylerim
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