My sheep know My voice, And the path that I take, They follow wherever I go; My sheep know My voice And come at My call, But a stranger's voice do they not know. CHORUS My sheep know My voice, And day by day, They abide in the fold, And go not astray; They love Me because I have made them My choice, And they follow My call, For My sheep know My voice. My sheep know My voice, And the pastures of green, Where I lead them so often to feed; My sheep know My voice, And the cool sparkling stream, Where beside its still waters I lead. My sheep know My voice, And the valley of death, Thru which I shall lead them some day; But no danger nor harm Can touch one of them, For I will be with them always.Tú eres mi Roca ماسىحتە جەڭىس لما أكون تعبان Abba Padre 我宁愿失去 Край мой Haz cambiado mi lamento ạ̉nt hw kẖbz ạlḥyạẗ Қандай ғажайып Есімің My God is so Big
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