rby ạ̹ny ạ̉ḥmdk ạ̉rfʿ ydy hạtfaⁿạ wlys ly swạk wsẖwqy ạ̉n ạ̉sbḥ ạsmk I just want to praise you, lift my hands and say I love you You are everything to me and I exalt your holy name on high I will celebrate sing unto the Lord Sing to the Lord a new song With my heart rejoicing within With my mind focused on him With my hands raised to the heavensPeace, perfect peace/ Pax Tecum frḥạn Qajetsiń Sen Iem maǵan في وقت ضعفي Закхей дуже хотів Ісуса побачити Guarda chi sei Արի Սուրբ Հոգի ԵՎ Հպվիր Դու Ինձ btḥbny Наслаждаюсь Тобой Ježíš chce z nás rybáře mít
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