rby ạ̹ny ạ̉ḥmdk ạ̉rfʿ ydy hạtfaⁿạ wlys ly swạk wsẖwqy ạ̉n ạ̉sbḥ ạsmk I just want to praise you, lift my hands and say I love you You are everything to me and I exalt your holy name on high I will celebrate sing unto the Lord Sing to the Lord a new song With my heart rejoicing within With my mind focused on him With my hands raised to the heavensПоклоняюсь всей душою Первая любовь Voici l'Agneau de Dieu Достоин Ты Potężna miłość Boża Mit ér A Cikin Farko Allahnmu mạttdẖmrsẖ Sing 耶稣爱着我
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