Set List


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    Type in a song number or phrase to search for a song. You can search using transliteration into western characters, or using language-specific characters. You can use the * character as a wildcard eg har*heral, or . to represent a single character eg Click the dropdown to see the many advanced filters available.


    Connection Error

    Error fetching initialization data. Please turn your internet connection on and click 'Retry' below.



    Welcome to Worship Leader. On each page there will be a short help message appearing at the bottom of your screen. To see the full help, touch the message. To turn these messages off, go to the settings page.

    Below, you can choose the language you would like to use the app in.


    Add Song to Set

      This song is already in this set. Can't add a second time.

      Delete Set?

      Do you really want to delete this set?

      Share Set

      Do you want to share a copy of the set, or a live set which only you can make changes to and will automatically update for everyone when you make changes (if connected to the internet)?

      Rename Set

      Song list Song list



      You don't have any sets yet, choose a song and click 'Add Song to Set' to make one

        Here you can see a list of any worship sets that you have created. These help you to click forwards and backwards between songs. You can create these by clicking 'Add to Set' when viewing a song.

        Set List


          Here are all the songs in your worship set. You can reorder them by dragging on the reorder icon next to each song, or remove them by clicking the cross icon.


            Choose Song Books

              Ninna nanna

              Add to Set Exit Set Exit Set

              Song not available - connect to internet to try again?

              Giorno dopo giorno
              Anno dopo anno
              Sulle ali della vita vai
              Il tempo corre in fretta
              Sei sempre un po' più vecchio
              Sembri non cambiare mai
              Cerchi in ogni cosa
              Cerchi tu qualcuno
              Che semmai ti aiuterà
              Ma chi tende una mano
              A volte è solo per avere
              Ora ascolta quello che ho da dirti io
              Torna a me che sono il tuo Dio
              Non ricordi che ti ho fatto io
              Passeggiavi insieme a me la sera
              Nel mio giardino
              Ora presto avvicinati a me
              È tanto tempo che ti aspetto sai
              Voglio stringerti ancora più forte
              E cantarti questa nenia
              Ninna nanna del tuo Dio
              Fra le mie braccia sicuro tu sarai
              Ninna nanna del tuo Dio
              Tieniti stretto a me
              E nessuno mai ti rapirà
              Ninna nanna, ninna nanna
              Ninna nanna, ninna nanna
              Guarda lì mio figlio
              Guarda la Sua croce
              È la vita che ho donato a te
              Guarda il Suo costato
              Guarda le Sue mani
              Parlano d'amore per te
              Non cercare invano
              Quello che già hai
              Sono io la via e tu lo sai
              Lascia lì ogni cosa
              Segui il mio cammino
              E la tua vita ancora un senso avrà
              Самовий Отамизга مەەرىمدۉۉ اتا Aud şi azi cuvântul sfânt Dari V Track 04 frḥ ạlsmạʾ يوم ما قابلتك ạlsẖjrẗ ạlḥlwh btkwn wạḍḥh Jak je vzácné ono štěstí tiān shàng xìn xī He Keeps Me Singing
              Copy Song
              Rating ()


              File successfully downloaded

              There was an error downloading this file

              Thanks! Your song has been submitted, please wait a day or two for it to be added to the database.

              You can see chords and transpose if you have set the 'Show Chords' setting. If there is sheet music you can click the button to switch to it. When the sheet music is showing you can short press/click it to play/pause, and long press/right click to play from the beginning. At the top you can click through to different language versions of the song if there are any. You can listen to the MP3s. Also, you can add this song to a set so that you can use it more easily during a worship time.

              Copy Song


              Correct Song

              Please correct the song below, or add one you have written yourself and then click the 'Upload' button. If you have MP3s, please email them to

              Could not submit your song - are you connected to the internet?



              Choose Song Languages

              Database updated

              Database update failed, please check your internet connection

              Successfully downloaded and installed your song databases

              Could not change the language - perhaps you are not connected to the internet?

              You can off these help messages on this page and also change a number of other app settings.


              Song Languages

              Please select one or more song databases that you wish to download

              Retry Update Song Languages

              Please select one or more song databases to download

              There was an error downloading or installing the song databases. Either your device has run out of space or you have a problem with your internet connection. Please check and try again.

              Native App Available

              You are currently using this app in a web browser. It's much easier to use the native app available from the store. Do you want to download this now?


              How do you want to share this?
              Email Whatsapp Facebook SMS VK

              Choose presentation device
