Mortal words cannot express The kingdom that's to come The mind of man cannot conceive The preparation that's been done We speak in terms we understand To uncover the glory veiled But soon with eyes that clearly see We'll know how words have failed Chorus Not the half has been told A small part, not the whole It's beyond imagination what's in store Soon our eyes shall behold Gates of pearl, streets of gold But there's more Not the half has been told Not a legend or a myth This grand and glorious place We've hardly touched the hem of it And already we're amazed But what is it, that's yet to come In the presence of our God For now we can but wonder But soon we'll stand in awe Eyes have not seen Ears have not heard Nor entered into the heart of man All that God has prepared for those Who love HimČuj naše prosby, Pane Gdy się zakończą cierpienia i łzy عجز لساني مجدك غطى الارض Sanaci من غيرك Танръ сьозле дюня яраттъ Вторая половина I'm Amazed أغني ... أهلل ...
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