Intro: Verse 1: I cast my mind to Calvary Where Jesus bled and died for me I see His wounds, His hands, His feet My Saviour on that cursed tree Verse 2: His body bound and drenched in tears They laid Him down in Joseph's tomb The entrance sealed by heavy stone Messiah still and all alone Chorus: O praise the Name of the Lord our God O praise His Name forever - more For endless days we will sing Your praise Oh Lord, oh Lord our God Verse 3: And then on the third at break of dawn The Son of heaven rose again O trampled death, where is your sting The angels roar for Christ the King Chorus: Verse 4: He shall return in robes of white The blazing sun shall pierce the night And I will rise among the saints My gaze transfixed on Jesus' face Chorus: Ending: Oh Lord, oh Lord our God Oh Lord, oh Lord our GodВоскликну "Аллилуйя" в присутствии врагов моих يمكن يكون Когда я утром очи открываю Questo è il dì По воде пройдём Tu causa, O Señor, llena nuestro ser Iyeshua II Iata, cerul asteaptă candidaţii Дверку в сердце я открою Есть одно только средство на этой земле
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