You are calling You are calling me to You And I run, I run to You I need You I can't get enough of You I come alive when I'm in Your presence O God of my salvation You adore me You are drawing me to You And I run Jesus, I run to You I need You I can't get enough of You I come alive when I'm in Your presence O God of my salvation Ho bisogno di Te Sempre di più io voglio Te Mi sento vivo alla Tua presenza Sei, Dio, la mia salvezza I need You I can't get enough of You I come alive when I'm in Your presence O God of my salvationEu Te laud يعظم نصرنا Wznieś głowę wzwyż Inda Ya Kai Ni, Zan Tafi O Dieu, que cette année A Child of The King lʿạzrk Ты мой Царь Ты мой Бог Yesu, Yesu, Yesu Eu calatoresc prin lumea mare
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