My spirit rests in You alone. You're all I know Embrace and touch me, Like a child, I'm safe in You. You're my shelter through it all. You're my refuge and my strength. Lord I hide In the shadow of Your wings. My Lord, You're faithful, You supply all good things. You know completely All my thoughts, My deepest needs.Биздин Кудай-Теңир ааламды жараткан Count your blessings Seigneur, que n'ai-je mille voix Мне трудно понять В Гефсиманском Саду Тишина И прохлада سەنىڭ اتىڭ ماداقتالسىن جۇرەگىمدە Tak zvednem se a jedem Noël, Noël Bénissons Dieu, mon âme В руке Твоей гвоздь
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