Lord of the mountains and sea You are treading a path set for me God of the seasons and sky You have always been holding my life And Lord, You are the shepherd of my soul So I lay down my plans, I give up my rights And let You take control of this surrendered life So I put my trust in the one Who created the stars and the sun You are eternally kind Always faithful and endlessly wise You comfort, You sustain In shaking You remain Unmoved and unafraid Forever and always You lead me by still waters Lead me through the valleys Lead me in Your wisdom Shepherd of my soul Through valleys of shadow and death I am not afraid By my Father's breath every star in the sky was made And who can I fear when You're standing right here by my side? Always leading, protecting and guarding my left and my right Father You make all things new Great God of creation Father You will always be my rock and salvationالله محبة كما أنا وليس لي عذر Таныг бид магтахад Та ирдэг Ey ümid etdiyim yeganə Allah Хабакук'ун Илахиси انتظري الرب wlạ kạn ʿly̱ bạly̱ จิตวิญญาณข้าร้อง Tudo a ver com Ele Кайраттуу бол, эгер кокус
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