Soli Deo Gloria. To God alone be the glory. Soli Deo Gloria. To God alone be the glory. From the watercolor sunset to the em'rald trees, In the raging of the ocean, in the rustling of the leaves, It's the heartbeat of the forest, it's the rhythm in the rain; It's the song of all creation that will never be contained. Let it thunder through the mountains, let it roar across the plain. Let His mercy and His wonder be an anthem unrestrained. It's the shout of ev'ry pilgrim, who's been shown the holy place. It's the cry of ev'ry sinner who's been covered by His grace. Ev'ry woman, ev'ry man and ev'ry creature in the land, Has been designed to understand there is a higher power. Ev'ry woman, ev'ry man, and ev'ry creature in the land, Has been created by His hand. He is a mighty tower.bṣwạ wsẖwfwạ Miłość Jezusa jest ponad wszystko Қайғу Ғамни Унутайлик msẖạʿr ạlrb Kita Satu di Dalam Tuhan Я хочу помолиться с Тобой 'Ku Ini Adalah Musafir ạ̉nt ḍyạỷy zhēn xī jīn tiān جئتك أبي لابتغي طعاماً
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