Rightiousness, Rightiousness, is what I long for Rightiousness is what I need Rightiousness, Rightiousness is what you want from me Chorus: So take my heart and form it Take my mind and transform it Take my will and conform it To Yours, to Yours lord Holiness, Holiness, is what I long for Holiness is what i need Holiness, Holiness Is what you want from me Faithfulness, Faithfulness is what I long for Faithfulness is what i need Faithfulness, Faithfulness Is what you want from mePane můj, Tys můj spasitel Laus Deo/ At Your Feet Что стоишь ты на распутьи ในเวลานมัสการ In Moments Like these La Única Esperanza Perjamuan Yang Kudus yswʿ ạljạls ʿly̱ ạlʿrsẖ Аз съм странен Náš Pán, čo ľuďom s láskou slúžil องค์พระเจ้าสันติราชที่ปรึกษามหัศจรรย์
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