He's promised a second ride } And has returned to prove His } Word; } He's here with us who are } honest in our hearts. }2x CHORUS He has comeback for the honest in heart, Who'll lay down their lives, Willingly sacrifice; He's going back for the honest in heart, Going back for the honest in heart. By faith, Rahab the harlot Perished not with all the rest; For she received the spies with peace, And she was blessed; The token was applied and even } though the walls fell down, } The spies went back for her, } (She was saved) } For she was honest in her heart. }2x On His way to Jerusalem He picked up the ones and twos; Blind man, Bartimaeus, And little Zacchaeus too; We've seen Himself repeated } In His Bride as she moves on, } He's seeking out all the } honest in heart. }2x Our Lord, so rich in mercy, Even there upon the cross Love burned deep within His heart, To reach out for the lost; The thief hanging at His side } Humbly asked to be } And in that hour He reached out} for an honest one. }2x Even, way down in the Philippines, As we've heard it testified, How the Lord, He did work things out, For the sake of His little Bride; He never forgets His own } no matter what the condition, } He kept His Word, } He reached out for the honest} one. }2xبىلدىڭەربى دەگى بۉگۉن قانداي كۉن؟ A Toi louange, honneur et gloire مثل عظيم Se puoi immaginar أشرق يا الله Ty, Bože lásky I Have a Friend Who Loves Me Seliges wissen เพลงแห่งสันติสุข L'alfa e l'omega
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