The words of Christ, good Teacher are hidden in us, deep in our Hearts and you and I are all the Letter of Christ. It's read by the people on the earth the Great Book is our earthly life, and the wind of days turns the pages. There are pains and sufferings, and bright joy shines as a ray of light on those pages. There are fervent hearts, labours, our longings, quiet prayers and the cry of the soul. These pages will tell of our life, they are alive and they speak. People read the book of our life. They want to see the Lord. Is the life of Christ well seen in us? And can their eyes read what's needed? Christ has written the Letter with His Love, with His sacrifice, His Holy Blood. Oh, if we had only such a life that this precious writing would not be worn out! this is a writing of the truth and deep faith, patience and unfailing love. May all these feelings never fade in us that people could recognize Christ. And you and I are all the letter of Christ. It's read by the people on the earth.fy ạlhzyʿ ạlrbʿ О эта благодать Yüce Rab Yesu Kristi Yana Zuwa Domin Ya Karƃe Mu Солҳое, ки аз ту дур будам mạl ạlnhạr We are heirs of the Father ạllh bytklm hdẖạ hw ạlywm ạlsʿyd Танръ'нън Зенгинлии
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