The move is on, my Lord, the move is on; The move is on, my Lord, the move is on. I can hear the rustle in the mulberry trees, and I know, I know, I know the move is on. Move on brother, move on sister, this is the moving day. Move a little closer, where the streams are flowing, move on brother, move on.يا غافر الخطايا Te-am simţit alături când valul era greu تعليق 3 Musica e parole ạlkdạb - sẖwf ạlqṭẗ - tẖwlạ tẖwm Понесу я вість Христа Когда трудно по жизни идти Dari V Track 03 إلقاء 2 dēng shān gē
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