These thousand hills roll ever on: footprints of a Mighty God; They bring me to my knees in praise, amazing love, amazing grace. Was on a hill my Savior died, a broken heart and bleeding side; Hill of the Skull, Mount Calvary, the blood He shed, He shed for me. When Heaven's hills at last I roam, forever settled in my home; I'll join the saints around Your throne, Your kingdom, Lord, rolls ever on. These thousand hills roll ever on: ripples of a coming storm; The morning star precedes the dawn, these thousand hills roll ever on.Choć bogactwa nie mam bù yào wàng jì wèi yé lù sā lěng تكلمن يا سيدي hnạk wyạh .. hnạk wyạh تىزە بۇگىپ، باسىمدى يەم Slnko z hviezdy už vyšlo Tu es Dieu ИАВЭ РАФА Танд баярлалаа كەتپەشى، يسا، مەنەن كەتپەشى ạ̉nạ lk
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