There they were in Egypt, under Pharaohs mighty hand. We were bound by wrong religion, and caught in the creed of man. Then the Prophet from the desert, starts preaching all around, God has heard our prayers, Jehovah has come down. Moses sure was no great speaker, nothing polished I could tell. But we all began to notice, that he knew Jehovah well. As he stood behind the pulpit, showing signs of God's great power. Its Jehovah's here, the Message of the hour. On the journey through the desert, about thirty miles a high, Was a cloud that led us every day, and at night a pillar of fire. If you ask of my opinion, all that I can say. Jehovah's here to lead us all the way. Kor: I know Jehovah's here to lead us all the way. A pillar of Fire by night, and a cloud by day. I know Jehovah's here to lead us all the way. And I will follow every thing He has to say I will never part, I will always stay This Word inside my heart, It's gonna lead me all the way.Sa nu se laude Xilasımız İsa, pənahımız İsa lmạ ạlkwn Réunis en ton nom Che cosa c'è بره بيتي وحضن أبويا Глубже всех морей и океанов وجدت نعمة في عينك مش لاقي كلام Gnade erfüllt mein Herz mit Dankbarkeit
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