BPM: 74 VERSE 1: From the cloud You speak What was veiled now is seen Jesus the image of the invisible God VERSE 2: Divinity confirmed In the transfigured Word A kingdom once concealed On the earth now revealed CHORUS: Holy is the Lord revealed before my eyes And my burning heart can scarcely take it in As I behold Your beauty with unworthy eyes The only song my soul can find to sing TAG: Is hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah my King VERSE 3: Lead my longing heart To the high ground To a clear view and in awe I'll be there beholding You INSTRUMENTAL: BRIDGE: Now I know I have seen Your glory that cannot be unseen I am changed and changing still As I look upon You Lord and believeనీతో పోల్చుటకు సర్వేశా مش هايغلبني السامرية Hər zaman qorxu içində bu dünyada yaşayırdım Elrejtettél a szívedben نعظم اسم يسوع Cristo el Señor es para mi qdws rb ạljnwd طوبى للي إثمه اتغفر Orkaga chekinmayman
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