[Verse 1] Oh God, my God I seek You I wanna move when You move You're more than I could long for I thirst for You [Chorus] You're an ocean to my soul To my soul Your love is like a waterfall, waterfall Running wild and free You hear my heart when I call, when I call Deep calls, too deep Your love is like a waterfall, waterfall Raining down on me [Verse 2] Waterfall, waterfall Oh God, my God I seek You In this dry and desert land You lead me to streams of mercy Once again [Chorus] [Bridge] Waterfall, waterfall It's coming like a flood I'm dancing in the rain Everything I've done Is covered in rivers of grace, amazing It's coming like a flood I'm dancing in the rain I lift up my hands Your love never changes, amazingБизим Танръмъз Гючлюдюр ạlrb ṣkẖrty wwlyy Божа я малюсь за Беларусь Даўылларда Kumthak Nino Hungsuok La bandiera Znám zemi znám Օ՜, Ինչ Մեծ ես,Մեր Արքա ṭwby̱ lạ̉nạs ВЛАДЕЕ БОГ
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