Sing a song of celebration; lift up a shout of praise, For the Bridegroom will come, the Glorious One. And oh, we will look on His face. We'll go to a much better place. Dance with all your might; lift up your hands and clap for joy. The time's drawing near when He will appear. And, oh, we will stand by His side, A strong, pure spotless bride. We will dance on the streets that are golden, The glorious Bride and the great Son of Man; From ev'ry tongue and tribe and nation will join In the song of the Lamb.Áke qalaımyn Ты Один Святой Qu'ils sont beaux sur les montagnes yạyswʿ nyrk hyn Cantad Alegres Al Senor myn sạkn Ár kúnde Ieni dáripteıik 谁是我的弟兄谁是我的母亲 نفسي أبدأ Мəдһ елəјин
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