Sing a song of celebration; lift up a shout of praise, For the Bridegroom will come, the Glorious One. And oh, we will look on His face. We'll go to a much better place. Dance with all your might; lift up your hands and clap for joy. The time's drawing near when He will appear. And, oh, we will stand by His side, A strong, pure spotless bride. We will dance on the streets that are golden, The glorious Bride and the great Son of Man; From ev'ry tongue and tribe and nation will join In the song of the Lamb.Вовеки хвала на устах моих Миний сүнсэнд гэрэл تعليق 10 - شقاوة فى المعمل Иса Месих, Танръ'нън Олу ạlmlkẖṣ Яхве Izgi Qudaı, Saǵan raqmet! Күйе басқан шырағыңның Хич гьормеди инсан гюозю A szívünk vár
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