All my attempts to be satisfied were vain and empty Until the moment You rescued me and Your love filled me My soul sings, now my soul sings What blessed assurance I've found in You, I've found in You I won't be shaken, I will not be moved How steadfast Your strong hand Is keeping me, is keeping me I won't be shaken, I will not be moved O blessed assurance No other love that I've ever known compares to You, God No other love that I've ever found has done what You've done My soul sings, now my soul sings What blessed assurance I've found in You, I've found in You I won't be shaken, I will not be moved How steadfast Your strong hand Is keeping me, is keeping me I won't be shaken, I will not be moved O blessed assurance Ever my anchor, ever my strength Ever my portion, and all I need Ever my healing, ever my hope Ever the truth that leads me home That leads me home What blessed assurance I've found in You, I've found in You I won't be shaken, I will not be moved How steadfast Your strong hand Is keeping me, is keeping me I won't be shaken, I will not be moved Oh, what blessed assurance I've found in You, I've found in You I won't be shaken, I will not be moved How steadfast Your strong hand Is keeping me, is keeping me I won't be shaken, I will not be moved O blessed assuranceمجد الشرق Забури Довуд Таронаи 14 Trăiasca Domnul slăvit sa fie El تأمل 4 KHAMHTU BAWI BIK TUM TUAH Бени Куртардън Боже дай мне Дух Святой сердца жажду утоли Славьте Иисуса Славьте Иисуса Та намайг Som en herlig guddomskilde
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