Wherever I've gone on the path of life No matter how much fear I've met I always felt beside me The gracious hand of my Savior And even if I got tired along the way You always gently lifted me up And gave me hope again You are always with me, You are always with me, I firmly know that always Your hand is with me You are with me. Let it be dark around me But in my soul it is light because I know, I believe that you are always with me. If the darkness gathered round me Or my friends walked away I was not afraid, for with You I walked through this stormy life And whatever happens in my life I'm ready to sing, not cry I'm already lifted up from this thought: You can warm my heart.bạrky yạ nfsy ạlrb నేస్తమా ... నేస్తమా ... నేస్తమా حد يقولى ايه معنى الحياة بنحط حياتنا قدامك Lui verrà myn ạlly yqdr yḥwl ạllyl nhạr Győzelemről énekeljen Zlatistý slnka jas nad krajom žiari zas Cuori prigionieri Спаситель говорит
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