Wilt thou, O man, live happily, And dwell with God eternally, The ten commandments keep, for thus Our God Himself biddeth us. Kyr' eleison! I am the Lord and God! take heed No other god doth thee mislead; Thy heart shall trust alone in Me, My kingdom then thou shalt be. Honor My Name in word and deed, And call on Me in time of need: Hallow the Sabbath, that I may Work in thy heart on that day. Obedient always, next to Me, To father and to mother be; Kill no man: even anger dread; Keep sacred thy marriage bed. Steal not, nor do thy neighbor wrong By bearing witness with false tongue; Thy neighbor's wife desire thou not, Nor grudge him aught he hath got.nǐ kàn dào zāi nán yuè lái yuè duō 有人等着我 Berik turamyn MISUNG BAWIPA KA HRUAI TUAH Otwórz oczy duszy mej بيطمني كلامك تعالى أملك علينا Хамгаас илүү алдартай Gud din skjonnhet ạ̹nt yạ rby
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