Good morning; the night is over and gone. I thought once this dark would last for so long. Feel the sunlight on my face. You have brought me through this place. Jesus, Jesus, You found me. Through the long night, you led me; You set me free. Do you seejust what You've done in my life? You gave memore than I hoped for; now I... Feel Your sunlight on my face. You have brought me through this place. Good morning; the night is over and gone.Навеки не оставлю เพราะพระองค์ทรงอยู่ యేసున ప్రూమనపు - నేమారను لولا الصليب Kruin: Psalm 136 Fa din mine ce ai vrea să fiu Түнкү жылдыздар жымыңдайт ạ̉nạ fy ạntẓạrk По благодати mḥtạj lạ̹ydk
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