You parents, hear what Jesus taught When little ones to him were brought: Forbid them not, but heed my plea Permitting them to come to me. Obey your Lord and let his truth Be taught your children in their youth That they in church and school may dwell And learn their Savior's praise to tell. For if you love them as you ought, To Christ your children will be brought. If thus you place them in his care, All in your family well shall fare.KAN PHILH BAL LAI LO Scoală-te popor şi luptă Alqış Sənə, ey Yaradanımız Одно моё желанье Il re di gloria entrerà Хабари хуш Любимым людям Zayıf olduğum günlerde إنت مش للذكريات عشان محبتك
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