You spread out the skies over empty space, said "Let there be light." To a dark and formless world, Your light was born. You spread out Your arms over empty hearts, said "Let there be light." To a dark and hopeless world, Your Son was born. You made the world and saw that it was good. You sent Your only Son for You are good. What a wonderful Maker. What a wonderful Savior. How majestic Your whispers, And how humble Your love. With a strength like no other, And the heart of a Father, How majestic Your whispers. What a wonderful God. No eye has fully seen how beautiful the cross, and we have only heard the faintest whispers of how great You are. (2X) How majestic Your whispers. What a wonderful God.Alys-shynnyng Chayakchyzy Avia, ry Mpanavotra غريباً عشت في الدنيا Giovani e vecchi Наступны крок Il mio cuore a te legherai I Shall Not Be Moved Иса Месих Дюнямъза Гелди Агар дар ғаму талхист рӯҳат, ки дигар тоқат надорӣ Ще чакам и ще слушам
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