Staring at a blank wall and all its white washed face Not knowing why I had to choose this way I discern I was wrong in my way Looking for peace in another, another domain And I realize that its true I seek you, yes I seek you And I realize that its true I need you, yes I need you And I reach and I touch you and I know that I need you To reach out and to touch me and I know I know that I need your touch Not knowing why I ever retreated from your arms A mistake I made Now oh Lord I feel your warm embrace, contentment fills my soul as joy lights my face You Look into the sky and see His arms of love reaching out for you His arms of love and grace And you know you need him, you need his touch I need your, I need your.....touchIsa Ýeke-täk ýoldyr! Небесная река Mary Mary Všemohúci Bože náš nǐ ěr biān shì fǒu yǒu jǐng zhōng zhǎng míng Toma, por favor, mi mano Salmo 23 أجهل ما سوف يأتي БЛАЖЕНИ ОНИЯ Христос Воскрес
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