Holy, holy are You, Lord The whole earth is filled With Your glory Let the nations rise to give Honor and praise to Your name Let Your face shine on us And the world will know You live All the heavens shout Your praise Beautiful is our God the universe will sing Hallelujah to You our Kingsẖkrạaⁿ yạrb ạnt frḥtny zhǔ a wǒ yào gēn suí nǐ Новую Жизнь новую жизнь Нам даровал Господь اَهلی زادی عیسی بِریَن Sabredin, Hazır Olun zài zhǔ lǐ yǒu zhēn píng ān بتهزم أعدائك zhǔ shì wǒ mì yǒu liáng bàn Мой Спаситель Иисус призвал меня Сен Теңир мениң Кудайым, башпана кылған жайым
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