Be lifted high be lifted high For Your glory, be lifted high Be lifted high be lifted high For Your glory, be lifted high You're the King of all the ages You're the author of salvation You're the reason why we're singing for Your glory Lord release the sound of Heaven let it rise in every nation We will join the anthem singing You're the everlasting Father You're the all consuming fire You're the reason why we're living for Your glory We will be the generation calling down the reign of Heaven We will join the anthem singingهافرح قلبك وهاعيشلك Дочь Самарии не знала لا لن أرى حبًّا Cuán feliz aquel que huye O, pochyl mnie! Мы полетим вдвоём يسوع يا طفل بيت لحم Ek weet dat U my liefhet Кист монанди Ту دي ايديك محاوطاني
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